Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Doctors to be or Butchers ?

I have been maintaining my silence over this issue for some time now. Rapidly, I’ve been coming across a “cool-trend” (or so they think) to be found in Medical students.

It all started a few hours ago when I received an inbox message on my Facebook account from an old colleague (Note: He’s currently a medical student). And out of curiosity i just clicked on his profile and RIGHT THERE lays a man cut open by Doctors and his gang of students on the Cover picture.

I felt highly disturbed and disgusted by the act of it. My initial thoughts were what are we becoming doctors or butchers? Since when is this a victory to gloat about? How are their seniors even allowing them to take such shots in the first place? I would like to quote Abdul Sattar Edhi, “We have become educated but not human”.

I always have a very high regard for doctors. To me they are heroes, who fight to save the mankind. And this increasingly “modeling” trend to be found in the future doctors just portray them as those ‘Hunters with their helpless kill’.

The world is losing its human side. Remember the time when we criticize journalists for splashing dead bodies over the news? They do so because “Drama sells”, but what exactly are these new army of doctors trying to sell? Probably attracting future patients? “Oh, please come to us we are going to cut you open and allow our students to pose with you like you are our kill?”



  1. I think you are being a bit too harsh here. Im not sure what purpose your friend put the pic, but I'm sure it was not to potray himself as a hunter with a helpless kill or any such nonesense. I also think you have had a bad experience in life, or with a doctor in the recent past.

    You've used the words GANG of students, Butchers, hunters with their kill? You seem to be a student or graduate in Media and Communication, since you have biased the reader by using such strong WORDs.

    Im not sure if this occurred to you, but if the doctors and his GANG of students didnt "CUT" open the patient, he might have been dead by now.

    I think you've blown it out of proportion. I also am not sure how putting such a pic would attract future patients.

    To top it all, you've compared it to journalists showing dead bodies on TV.

    Dude, Seriously??

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. You want me to believe you took a wild guess at my personal experience and field of education and forgot to put your name? lol.

      And as for your criticism Sir/Madam my point in the end was 'It's unethical'. I received messages from people in medical field,that they realized they are in the wrong and took such pictures off their social network profiles. Now, that's an achievement within 24 hours, thanks to my strong biased writing skills :)

      Thanks for your comment.

  2. Agree to disagree.

    This so called "cool-trend" is not actually a trend, its just your point of view. People can put pictures of whatever they feel like just like you can blog about whatever you feel like. Everyone is titled to their own opinions and lifestyle. Sometimes whining about everything that you feel is wrong, is not the solution. Yes, it may relieve your stress, if you are having a bad day, but it doesn’t get your point across.

    I'm still surprised on how some of your friends apparently “realized their mistake” by reading a 200-word blog by you but probably wouldn’t change their opinions on a medicine if they read a 2000-word research paper. Since when are patients – helpless kills? I’m not sure you even know what you are talking about and if you are really upset by pictures of patients undergoing the knife, you should really write your concerns to Discovery channel and documentary TV shows that show complete operations, let alone pictures.

    Again, this is my opinion. You don’t have to change your blog just because I wrote 200-word comment on it and you will prolly complain about how I have not used my real name either, its just might be a new trend too.

    With all due respect.

  3. lol. Why would i change my blog because of your comment? We all are entitled to our own opinions. If i were to take every critic that seriously i wouldn't take up writing. Once again Thank you for your comment.

  4. Hi Sarah,

    If 10 people dont share this on their facebook within 24 hours, Justin Bieber will break his leg in his next concert!!

    Thank you for your comment; once again.

    1. Hi I'm-too-scared-to-leave-my-name-aka-whuss,

      If you don't visit my blog 10 times a day, you might break your leg ?

  5. I think the point mentioned in the blog is different from what is being raised here in the discussion. As a trainee surgeon I know how exciting it is when you assist a life saving operation, or do an independent procedure for the first time. However, it is unethical to use the pictures of your patients without their permission even for academic purposes, talk about putting them up on the public display via facebook. I understand that the identity of the patients is never disclosed yet its an intricate ethical issue as the public doesn't know but you know it and your team who was in the theatre with you knows it.
    Posing in scrubs, with instruments etc can all be fun as long as it doesn't involve your patients. They deserve respect and confidentiality and have actually laid their trust in you before lying asleep on that operating table.
    I have worked in Pakistan as well as in Ireland - and it surprises me how the same Pakistani doctors who don't regard the rights of their poor patients back home speak so well and with great respect even to the uneducated, unemployed and irritating patients when they work abroad. The reason that I see behind it is that we hold ourselves accountable to humans and organizational systems instead of remembering the accountability we owe to our Creator.

  6. As for the types of discovery channel, BBC etc. they obtain a formal consent from the patient. Also many people cannot tolerate these images and with channels they have a choice not to visit but when they log on to facebook their expectations are different
